Board of Game to consider revisions to
the Bear Conservation & Management Policy
and Allow Bear Trapping in some Areas
The Alaska Board of Game will hear proposals at an upcoming October 8 - 12, 2010 meeting in Anchorage at the Coast International Inn that seek to revise the 2006 Bear Conservation and Management Policy
to allow the taking of sows with cubs, and cubs, and bear trapping (foot-snaring) outside a formal predation control implementation plan.
You can read the proposals HERE. They are located beginning on page 50 of the print version of that pdf file.
AK BHA strongly opposes revisions to the bear Policy that would allow what are essentially "control" activities outside the process of a formal predation control implementation plan. Read our proposal HERE concerning these changes that was rejected by the Board of Game.
We encourage anyone concerned with these changes to send in comments and/or show up at the meeting to testify.
Written comments on these proposals can be mailed or faxed and are due no later than September 30, 2010.
Mail written comments to:
Board of Game Comments - ADF&G,
P.O. Box 115526
Juneau, AK 99811-5526
Fax comments to 907-465-6094.
Show up at the BOG meeting in Anchorage at the Coast International Inn on Friday October 8th to sign up to give oral testimony. You may also be able to sign up on Saturday, October 9th.
Update: we originally stated that comments could also be emailed. Board support staff notified us, however, that they do not accept comments via email. We apologize for that error.